Pre pay massage packages

6 x 50 min treatments £240

I really believe to get maximum benefits from sports massage the athlete and therapist need to work together regularly. This way the therapist gets to know the athlete really well, and therefore easily identify and treat any small abnormalities before they become an issue for the athlete – thereby preventing injury, with the pre pay package I have made regular treatments affordable.

Sports Massage


Sports massage should play an important part in the life of any sportsman or woman, whether they are injured or not. Massage has a number of benefits both physical, physiological and psychological.

Sports massage can help maintain the body in generally better condition, prevent injuries and loss of mobility, cure and restore mobility to injured muscle tissue, boost performance and extend the overall life of your sporting career.

Physical effects of massage

Pumping – The stroking movements in massage suck fluid through blood vessels and lymph vessels. By increasing the pressure in front of the stroke, a vacuum is created behind. This is especially important in tight or damaged muscle tissue, as a tight muscle will squeeze blood out like a sponge, depriving the tissues of vital nutrients and energy for repair.

Increased tissue permeability – Deep massage causes the pores in tissue membranes to open, enabling fluids and nutrients to pass through. This helps remove waste products such as lactic acid and encourages the muscles to take up oxygen and nutrients which help them recover quicker.

Stretching – Massage can stretch tissues that could not be stretched in the usual methods. Bundles of muscle fibres are stretched lengthwise as well as sideways. Massage can also stretch the sheath – or fascia – that surrounds the muscle, thereby releasing any tension or pressure build up.

Break down scar tissue – Scar tissue is the result of previous injuries or trauma, and can effect muscles, tendons and ligaments. This can lead to inflexible tissues that are prone to injury and pain.

Improve tissue elasticity